Data Science & Generative AI Program
Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of data science.
Our Education Partner

Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of data science with our comprehensive program overview.
Data science is a field that involves using statistical methods, algorithms, and tools to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. It combines domains such as mathematics, computer science, and subject matter expertise to make data-driven decisions and predictions. The ultimate goal of data science is to help organizations make informed decisions based on data analysis, leading to better business outcomes. Data scientists leverage techniques such as data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze and interpret data, identify patterns and trends, and create predictive models.
Discover profound course insights that will elevate
your understanding of data science.
Embark on a transformative journey of knowledge and discovery with our In-Depth Course Insights. Dive deep into the intricacies of your chosen subject, gain invaluable information, expand your horizons, and seize the opportunity to cultivate personal growth and expertise.
12 to 15 Months
P.G. Diploma in Data Science & GEN AI
For Learners With No Coding Experience
- Introduction to Data Science and ML using Python
- Data Handling, Sequences and File Operation
- Deep Dive – Functions, OOPs, Modules, Errors, and Exceptions
- Introduction to NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib
- Data Manipulation Topics
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
- In-Class Project (Self-Paced)
Introduction to Text Mining and NL - Introduction to Deep Learning
- Encoder Decoder
- Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
- Introduction to ChatGPT
- Prompt Engineering and ChatGPT Plugins
- ChatGPT for Productivity
- GPT Models, Pre-processing and Fine-tuning ChatGPT
- Building an AI Powered Chatbot
- Deploying and Integrating ChatGPT in Business Applications
- Working with GPT-3
- Building and Deploying GPT-3 Powered Application
- ChatGPT: Best Practices, Limitations, and Avenues for Future Development
- Popular Generative AI Tools
- Prompt Engineering
- Generative AI with LLMs
- LLMs for Search, Prediction, and Generation
- LangChain for LLM Application Development
- Interacting with Data Using LangChain and RAG
6 to 8 Months
Advanced Diploma in Data Science
For Learners With Basic Coding Experience
- Python Programming
- Advanced Statistics with
- Data Analysis
- Data Wrangling With SQL
- Emerging Trends in Data Science
- Data Structure & Algorithms
- Introduction to R Programming
- Machine Learning With R and PythonÂ
- Machine Learning I: Supervised
- Machine Learning II: Unsupervised
Deep Learning: - Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
Explore the Comprehensive Range of Topics
1. Introduction to Python and Basics
a) Variables and why variables?
b) Data types – Primitive
c) Comments
d) Operators
- Arithmetic Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Membership Operator
- Identity Operator
- Bitwise Operator
e) Type Casting
f) Input Functions
g) Ways of Printing
h) ord() and Chr() -> ASCII Concept
2. Conditional Statements
a) Only IF Condition
b) IF – Else Condition
c) ELIF Ladder
d) Nested Conditional Statements
e) Multiple Conditional Statements
3. Loops
a) While Loop
b) For Loop
With Range
Without Range
c) Loop Control/ Transfer statement
4. Non – Primitive Data types
a) String and String Inbuilt Functions
b) List and List Inbuilt Functions
c) Tuples and Tuples Inbuilt Functions
d) Set and Set Inbuilt Functions
e) Dictionary and Dictionary Inbuilt Function
5. File Handling
a) Playing .csv file
b) Playing with .txt file
6. Handling Json Data
a) Reading Json Data
b) Traversing through Json Data
c) Saving Json Data
7. Functions
a) Function Creation and Usage
b) Types of Functions
c) Types of functions arguments
d) Nested Function
8. Exception Handling
a) Try, Except and Finally
b) Raise and Assert
9. Regular Expressions
a) Findall()
b) Split()
c) Sub()
10. Introduction to Classes and Objects
a) why Classes ?and Class and Object creation.
b) OOPS Concept
- Inheritance and Types of Inheritance
- Abstract Classes
- Polymorphism and why Polymorphism?
- Access modifierÂ
c) Public and Private
Static, Instance and Class Method
11. Data structure and algorithm
a) Data types
b) Stack and Queues
c) Linked List
d) Trees
e) Graphs
12. Searching & Sorting Algorithms
13. Special Concepts
a) Lambda Functions
b) Zip()
c) Map()
d) Reduce()
e) Filter()
f) Args( * ) and Kwargs( ** )
14. Decorators and Why Decorators?
15. Generators and Why Generators?
1. Introduction To Basic Statistics using Python
2. Data Types
3. Types of Statistics
4. Measure Of central tendency
5. Measures of Dispersion
6. Graphical Techniques
7. Skewness & Kurtosis
8. Box Plot
9. Sample vs Population
10. Types of Variables (continuous and discrete)
11. Normal Distribution,
12. Hypothesis Testing
13. Type 1 Error, Type 2
14. Error
15. P value, R2, z-test,
16. t-test, Anova Test etc..
1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)-1 2. Linear egression
3. Logistic regression
4. Unsupervised Machine Learning 5. Supervised Machine Learning
6. Model validation techniques
1. Supervised vs Unsupervised learning
2. Hierarchical Clustering / Agglomerative Clustering
3. Types of Linkages
a) Single Linkage / Nearest Neighbor
b) Complete Linkage / Farthest Neighbor
c) Average Linkage
d) Centroid Linkage
4. Visualization of clustering algorithm using Dendrogram 5. K –Means
7. Dimension Reduction Techniques
a) Why dimension reduction
b) PCA
c) t-SNE
8. Recommendation System
1. Decision Tree
2. Exploratory Data Analysis – 2 3. Feature Engineering
4. Model Validation Methods
5. Ensemble Techniques
a) XGBoost
b) Random forest
6. KNN (k-Nearest Neighbor)
8. Regularization Techniques
9. Text Mining
10. Natural Language Processing 11. Naive Bayes
12. Forecasting
NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn ,Matplotlib, Scikit-learn
1. ANN – Artificial Neural Network
2. CNN – Convolutional Neural Network 3. RNN – Recurrent Neural Network
4. LSTM – Long Short-Term Memory
5. Stacked LSTM for forecasting
6. Object Detection by RCNN to YOLO
7. Image processing using open CV
NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn ,Matplotlib, Scikit-learn
1. What is Data Visualization?
a) Why Visualization?
b) Importance of Visualizing Data
c) Principles of Visualizations
d) Goal of Data Visualization
2. Tableau – Data Visualization Tool
a) Pivot Tables
b) Split Tables
c) Hiding
d) Rename and Aliases
e) Data Interpretation
3. Tableau User Interface
a)Understanding about Data Types and Visual Cues
4. Basic Chart types
a) Text Tables, Highlight Tables, Heat Map b) Pie Chart, Tree Chart
c) Bar Charts, Circle Charts
5. Intermediate Chart
a) Time Series Charts
b) Time Series Hands-On
c) Dual Lines
d) Dual Combination
6. Advanced Charts
a) Bullet Chart
b) Scatter Plot
c) Correlation Analysis
d) Regression Analysis
e) Trend lines
f) Histogram
g) Bin Sizes in Tableau
h) Box Plot
i) Pareto Chart
j) Donut Chart, Word Cloud
7. Maps in Tableau
a) Types of Maps in Tableau
b) Polygon Maps
c) Custom Geo coding
8. Background Image
a) Get Background Image and highlight the data on it b) Creating Data Extracts
c) Filters
9. Data Connectivity in-depth understanding
a) Joins
b) Unions
c) Data Blending
d) Cross Database Joins
e) Sets
f) Groups
e) Parameters
10. Creating Calculated Fields
a) Logical Functions
b) Case-If Function
c) ZN Function
d) Else-If Function
e) Quick Table Calculations
f) Level of Detail (LoD)
11. Responsive Tool Tips
a) Dashboards
1. Data Base
2. DBMS Data Base Management System
3. Difference between SQL and MySQL
5. Data Types
6. MySQL Workbench
7. How to create table
8. SQL Command
a) DDL command (Data Definition Language)
b) DML command (Data Manipulation language)
c) DQL command (Data Query Language)
d) DCL command (Data control Language)
e) TCL command (Transmission Control Language)
9. Pattern Matching
10. Ascending and Descending order
11. Order by
12. Functions
a) Row level
b) Group / aggregate level
13. Joins
a) Right
b) Left
c) Cross
d) Self
14. Data Base Constraints / Restriction
15. Acid Properties
16. Data base Objects
a) Table
b) View
c) Index
d) Sequence
e) Stored procedure
f) Function
e) Triggers
17. Sub-query and windows

the tools we discussed
These tools will master you in data science and will enhance your skill set with practical approach

We have a wide range of covered projects
Gain valuable hands-on experience by working on industry-demand projects.
Machine learning
ML projects involve collecting and preprocessing data, selecting appropriate machine learning algorithms, training the model, and evaluating its performance.
Gender and age detection
It aims to identify the gender and approximate age of human faces in images or videos. The images are then processed to normalize their size, brightness, and contrast.
Stock market prediction
The project's primary goal is to create an accurate model that can help traders and investors make informed decisions based on predicted stock prices.
Uber Supply Demand Gap
It involves analyzing Uber's ride-hailing data to identify the reasons for supply-demand gaps and suggest solutions to bridge the gap.
Social Media Listening
ML projects involve collecting and preprocessing data, selecting appropriate machine learning algorithms, training the model, and evaluating its performance.
Gender and age detection
It aims to identify the gender and approximate age of human faces in images or videos. The images are then processed to normalize their size, brightness, and contrast.
Gesture Recognition
This aims to recognize and interpret human gestures captured by cameras or other sensors.
Traffic signs recognition
This project involves classifying signs such as stop signs, speed limit signs, and pedestrian crossing signs, among others.
Job Roles in Data Science
There are various job roles that are in high demand which you can go for .
Senior Data Scientist
Manages team and work on complete handling and designing of models.
AI Expert
Works on AI models and new products of AI for company growth.
ML Expert
Need to work on large number of data to create chunks and use latest tools to update the models.
Big Data Specialist
Need to work on huge data with proper frameworks to filter and validate the data.
Soft Skill Training For All Programs
Soft Skill Training For All Programs: Unlock your true potential and excel in every aspect of your journey.
- Verbal Communication
- Non-Verbal Communication
- Listening Skills
- Email Etiquette
- Decision-Making
- Problem-Solving
- Goal Setting
- Delegation
- Conflict Resolution
- Effective Feedback
- Goal Setting
- Task Prioritization
- Scheduling
- Procrastination Management
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Regulation
- Empathy
- Social Skills
- Stress Management
- Active Listening
- Problem-Solving
- Effective Communication
- Empathy
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Cultural Awareness
- Inclusion
- Sensitivity to Different Perspectives
- Addressing Bias
- Brainstorming Techniques
- Problem-Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Risk-Taking
- Out-of-the-Box Thinking
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Conflict Resolution
- Goal Setting
- Trust Building
- Flexibility
- Resilience
- Agility
- Change Management
- Building Relationships
- Communication
- Personal Branding
- Follow-Up Strategies
Uncover the Brilliance Within and Achieve Recognition through these Remarkable Certifications
Unlock Career Success with a Resume/CV that Propels You Towards Achievement

What makes us the Preferred choice?
With an impressive history of delivering exceptional results and a steadfast commitment to our mentee's happiness and success stories, we confidently stand out as the ultimate choice for your needs.

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You can reach out to us whenever you have questions or need clarification. We're here to provide you with the support you need, ensuring that you understand every concept thoroughly.

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You Learn
We understand that everyone's learning preferences are different. You can either attend our classes online from the comfort of your home or join us in person if you prefer a classroom setting.

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Life can get busy, and it's not always possible to attend every class in real-time. That's why we provide recordings of all our classes. This way, you can revisit the material at your own pace, whenever it suits you.

Easy-to-Use Learning System
Our specially designed Learning Management System (LMS) makes it straightforward for you to access your course materials. You can easily navigate through the resources, making your learning experience smooth and efficient.

Free Laptop
To ensure you have all the tools you need, we provide you with a laptop at no extra cost. This way, you have everything necessary to excel in your studies.

Find Jobs with Us
After you complete your course, we don't stop supporting you. For up to six months, we assist you in searching for employment opportunities, giving you a head start in your career.

We Help You Get Hired
We are dedicated to your success. We offer guidance and resources to help you secure a job in your chosen field, ensuring that your training leads to meaningful employment.

Pay in Installments
We understand that education can be a significant investment. That's why we offer flexible payment options, making it easier for you to manage your finances while pursuing your education.

Learn from
the Best
Gain insights from top experts in the industry, not just locally, but from around the world. This exposure to global expertise enhances your understanding of industry trends and best practices.

Get Ready for Interviews
We provide specialized sessions with professionals from the corporate world to help you hone your interview skills. This gives you a competitive edge when seeking employment.

Job Prep
We recognize that every student is unique, with their own set of strengths and skills. That's why we tailor our support to prepare you for the job market based on your individual capabilities.

Earn by Referring Friends
If you find value in our courses, why not share the experience with your friends? Our referral program allows you to earn rewards by recommending Ze Learning Labb to others.
Discover Other Course Options
Embark on a journey of knowledge and growth through our vast array of engaging courses.

Data & Business Analytics
Certification- 3 Months
Advanced Diploma- 6 Months
Post Graduate Program- 12 Months

Digital Marketing
Certification- 3 Months
Advanced Diploma- 6 Months
Post Graduate Program- 12 Months

Cyber Security
Certification- 3 Months
Advanced Diploma- 6 Months
Post Graduate Program- 12 Months

Cloud Computing
Certification- 3 Months
Advanced Diploma- 6 Months
Post Graduate Program- 12 Months
Meet Our Proudly Happy Students
Suraj Karmakar I recently took courses on data science and data analytics at Learning Lab Institute, and I must say, it was an outstanding experience. The institute offers a wide range of courses in different data fields, and their curriculum is top-notch. The instructors at Learning Lab Institute are highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the field of data science and data analytics. They provide comprehensive and practical training, using real-world examples and case studies, which helped me understand the concepts better and apply them to real-world scenarios. The course content was well-structured and covered a wide range of topics, including data exploration, data visualization, machine learning, statistical analysis, and more. The institute also provided me with access to industry-standard tools and technologies, such as Python, R, SQL, Tableau, and Power BI, which helped me gain hands-on experience and build a strong skill set. The learning environment at Learning Lab Institute was conducive to learning, with modern classrooms and state-of-the-art facilities. The institute also offered flexible class timings and online learning options, which made it convenient for me to balance my work and personal commitments. The support from the institute's staff was excellent. They were responsive, helpful, and provided timely feedback on my assignments and projects. The institute also offered career guidance and placement assistance, which I found valuable in preparing for my career in the data field. I highly recommend Learning Lab Institute to anyone who is interested in learning data science or data analytics. The courses offered are comprehensive, up-to-date, and taught by experienced instructors. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I gained from Learning Lab Institute, and it has greatly benefited my career in the data field. Thank you, Learning Lab Institute! Sourav Gorai best place to study data science.the professor guided very well. and helped me to get placed as well. as a fresher just for them I started my career with 4lpa in a reputed compan. Pragya Surabhi Great learning experience! Anjali Suryan Excellent conversation with teachers, and to supportive for students 😊 Anandita Chatterjee It is one of the best insitutions . You can surely give it a try . Taniya Kar I think the EdTech sector is a great place to work. First of all, it's a fast-growing industry that's constantly changing and improving. That means you'll always be learning new things! Second, it offers so many different opportunities for advancement—from being an educator yourself and teaching others how to use technology in the classroom, to working as an administrator or manager who helps in setting policy and oversee systems and programs and to working directly with students by creating new products that help them learn more efficiently & effectively. Finally, if you're passionate about education (and why wouldn't you be?), then working in this field will allow you to make a difference in the lives of young people all over the country! Here, we believe our organization provides excellent products or services and I am proud to work here. Shanti Madli The training programs and placements…the knowledge and skills in variety of course of your institution have thoroughly impressed me!! I would absolutely recommend it!! Nikita Phuyal Great learning process and good institute here Dikshya Pandey Great to be part of it..worth of time and money with bunch of knowledge Rajesh Kumar It's too good actually i learnt a lot tnq for your support
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Frequently Asked Questions
We are among the best training institute that helps with practical based learning .With our unique approach to education, we are confident that you will be equipped with the required skills and knowledge to succeed in your future endeavors.
We offer both online and Offline courses(Bangalore).
We offer most demanding courses that can land you high paying jobs.
Yes we provide live classes and in case you miss the session you will have access to our LMS.
Yes we will be providing certificate.
We offer :
Data Science
Data Analytics
Digital Marketing
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security